Thursday, December 1, 2011

~Jill, Lift-Off 194~ My Impact Trainings Experience

I was like a stone box, no windows, dirt floor, and no door.  I could stand up and sit down, yet there was no room to lay down and stretch.  There was one dim light holder hanging by a wire from the top of the box.  Quest broke a window in my box and I was able to see out, smell the fresh air, and breathe!  Summit created a bigger window.  Outside my box I could hear the birds singing and feel the warmth of the sun.  Lift-Off created miracles, particularly the ropes course.  My walls came tumbling down.  Life is beautiful!  LMT 1, 2, and 3 rebuilt my “box” with crystals and light.  I now see the entire universe as my home.  I am one with all that is.

~Jill, Lift-Off 194~

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