Feeding The Body and Soul- Being the LIGHT
We have all heard the adage “Feed a man a fish or teach a man to fish…” and it was a beautiful experience and consciousness shift as a collective group of Impact Graduates gathered and served lunch in Pioneer Park on Sunday, September 11, 2011.
On a historical day when many heads were bowed across the country and emotions rang heavy acknowledging the 10 year anniversary of the World Trade Center attack replaying again and again throughout the media; our Impact Grads, willing to be part of the solution, sharing food, and embodying LOVE; lightened and brightened our corner of the world, lifting hearts, feeding bodies, enriching souls.
It has been said that the propaganda surrounding “feeding the needy” actually perpetuates the problem implying judgment, fueling the energy choice of “victimization”- but the difference that occurs when Impact Grads step in to serve, dishing out well over 200 hotdogs and hamburgers, they HONORED all those there, treating everyone holding a plate, with equality and respect, recognizing the divine path each of us has chosen. Instead of seeing people AS their circumstances and keeping them in that space, the unique quality of service from a heightened perspective is that we are all on our PERFECT path and everyone is a teacher to our greatest good. Indeed, while Impact Graduates serve, we do it with gratitude and humility.
In a world where people seem to avoid eye contact, our fellow Energy Workers smiled, laughed, and shared their food; music playing, families sitting under trees in the sunlight; the space provided where ALL those attending could feel and know that there are still people who SEE the value of a soul, who SEE who they ARE beneath clothes, life-choices and hardships. Simply stated: People gathered together for a picnic, worldly cares and concerns set aside for a few hours and new friendships created.
Thank you to all of you who showed up for US on Sunday. Thank you for coming from a place in YOUR hearts that EMPOWERED and INSPIRED versus enabling. Thank you for the SHIFT in the world you CREATED.