Thursday, December 8, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
~Clayton, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is that I’ve healed many relationships that I never thought possible. It’s given me the tools/insight to realize what’s creating an ongoing cycle of turmoil and how to go about healing those relationships. I’ve also been able to let go of many past judgments/beliefs about myself and others. I’ve operated from the paradigm that I’m not worthy of self love. I now know that is not the case. Being capable to love myself has opened many doors for me and I’m now able to love others with a capacity I never thought possible.
~Clayton, Lift-Off 272~
~Miles, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through Impact Trainings is to love myself and trust myself and the Universe to know that everything that happens in my life happens for a reason. I get to love unconditionally and spread my love and light to everyone I come in contact with.
My vision of a healed world is that everyone and every person and living thing be at peace and love with each other no matter what experience – past, present, or future!
The greatest way my life has changed is I am totally open to any possibility in any situation or experience I have and to always love, honor, and respect everyone and everything!
~Miles, Lift-Off 272~
~Randall, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I have trust, I am so inspiring, and my talents and gifts are truly a blessing, that by living behind my walls, I am doing the opposite of what I thought the walls were for - thinking that I am protecting myself from pain and suffering. All I had done is lock myself in with my walls.
My vision of a healed world is to see one another as we truly are, with the love and inspiration, unity in the fact we are one, without war and hate.
The greatest way my life has changed is that I have clarity and purpose, to live in the NOW, to be authentic with myself and my relationships, and the ability to communicate openly and honestly with clarity and fairness.
~Randall, Lift-Off 272~
~Sky, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am in control of my life and where it is going. I am able to fulfill my goals by taking actions. My vision of a healed world is one where people can openly share, listen, and grow.
I feel free again. I know my answers and how to show up. No more second guessing myself.
~Sky, Lift-Off 272~
~Derek, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that the only limitation I’ve ever had on me are the ones I put on myself. I learned that these limitations were only in my mind and that nothing stands in my way to create the life I want. Since the Trainings, I’ve felt my power again in my life that only I kept from myself. I’ve been excited about my life now and for what’s next.
~Derek, Lift-Off 272~
~Jody, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I have broken through all the fixed beliefs I had about myself. I no longer have physical, mental, or emotional limitation on myself. The imaginary smallness I held myself in is now shattered. My vision of a healed world is of peace where abundance is created for all. We all are one mind and serve a purpose together for one another.
I have been able to heal relationships that I believed were irreparable. As I shifted, everything around me shifted as a result of my ripple effect. I am so outward focused and have accomplished so much more than I ever thought possible in a very short amount of time.
~Jody, Lift-Off 272~
~Taylor, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself is I am a perfect creation of God and He loves me no matter what I have done, do, or will do and knowing that I feel love for myself and then share that love with others. My vision of a healed world is one where everyone loves each other as Children of God and honors each others beliefs, choices, and differences. The greatest way my life has changed is I’ve let go of petty judgment of myself and others. Because I have let go of my judgments, there is no space in my hearth but for love.
~Taylor , Lift-Off 272~
~Brent, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am a powerful, loving, giving person and that I deserve to BE who I AM. My vision of a healed world is where all things in the world are at peace with everyone and everything. I am more confident, happier with my whole life altogether, and that I can do anything.
~Brent, Lift-Off 272~
~Cindy, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself is that I am a valuable, powerful, divine spirit being. My vision of a healed world is one in which unconditional love rules all thoughts and actions. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of Impact Trainings is the realization that I am an important part of this world and I have a contribution. I am not afraid of the future and I have learned to let go of the past – to live in the moment to its fullest. I have learned I am a powerful creator and choose to live from the space of my heart letting my light so shine.
~Cindy, Lift-Off 272~
~Keturah, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I already know. I learned that I AM a Beautiful, Powerful, Spiritual Woman of Light and that I deserve things that I never thought I deserved. I also learned that every experience I have had is perfect for me. My vision of a healed world is peaceful. The whole world is treated with unconditional love by every being. Light shines through the eyes of every being. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is now I trust and live in the now! This has assisted me in realizing that life is easy and that I truly am made of unconditional love. The world is so beautiful. Everything is beautiful.
~Keturah, Lift-Off 272~
~Jonathan, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
My commitment to be accountable has produced the greatest change in my life. It is result driven. The focus in on what did and did not happen, what I experienced as a result of my actions, what I learned and then, most important, what am I committed to create as a result of this new insight and where does my life go from there.
~Jonathan, Lift-Off 272~
~Emily, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
My vision of a healed world is complete peace, unity, and trust through all the hearts of God’s Creations. That power and clarity radiate through the universe and unconditional love is shared to all the world. Life is created to be beautiful, real, and authentic communication between all spirits. The world is healing and a place of safety where it is easy to express the spirit I am and I am able to reach out to others in peace and honoring. It is my vision to keep relationships close at heart and to continue life living through being an angel, Spirit Being, and light that radiates true, unconditional love to all areas of my life. My truth is expressed from the heart, where deep connections are made. I love my healed world and I love life.
~Emily, Lift-Off 272~
~Mike, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I deserve everything!!! Love, prosperity, and abundance!!! My inner child is still ready to play and life is an adventure again! I also learned that my closet relationships are the ones that I deserve to work on the most, because I get to show up as the real me!
~Mike, Lift-Off 272~
~Kara, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is complete authenticity. As I have shed my masks and broken down my walls, I have experienced so much unconditional love and trust. I actually experience and create life instead of letting life happen to me. I learned that I am powerful! My relationships have strengthened and deepened and I have healed so many.
~Kara, Lift-Off 272~
~Brian, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned what the meaning of life is and that I am a worthy, powerful, honest man. My vision of a healed world is one of truth and peace. I get to do my part to achieve that vision which is great news! Impact turned my life around 180°. I now have something to live for and am happy with who I am.
~Brian, Lift-Off 272~
~Robin, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself during the Impact Trainings is that I am absolutely a creator of my circumstances, and I have the tools and the possibilities to consciously create positive miracles in my life. It has definitely assisted me in creating a positive way of thinking and being, which has allowed the space to love those around me.
~Robin, Lift-Off 272~
~Emily, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself is that I am a very powerful, inspiring being that is full of trust and unconditional love. My vision of a healed world is a world united in an abundance of love, joy, and prosperity. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is that I show up for myself and for others. I love everyone unconditionally!
~Emily, Lift-Off 272~
~David, Lift-Off 272~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is I know my life has purpose. I learned that I am a worthy, powerful, passionate man who is whole and ready to take on my life and relationships with ALL. I AM LOVE!!!
~David, Lift-Off 272~
~Tyson, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I have experienced more healing for myself and my family here then I could have anywhere else, and the great news is I DID IT!!!
~Tyson, Lift-Off 273~
~Carli, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I come first; I am valuable, my ripple matters! My vision of a healed world is one collective consciousness working together creating heaven on earth, abundance, and unconditional love. I know I am love. I can do anything. I am a brilliant creator.
~Carli, Lift-Off 273~
~David, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is I feel better about myself, my daughter said she knows I love her more and my parents say I’m not sad anymore. My dreams I have kept boxed up and put away. I’m now reopening that box and live my dreams and goals. I love myself and I forgive myself now. I deserve my dreams to be my reality.
~David, Lift-Off 273~
~Chuck, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I have a choice and I’m not alone. I learn everyday and love myself. I forgive myself. I speak from my heart. I am open, loving, and compassionate.
~Chuck, Lift-Off 273~
~Shantel, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is my life is full of joy and peace. I create “good days” everyday! My happiness depends on me, and because of Impact, I have the tools to experience and create the life I have always deserved!
~Shantel, Lift-Off 273~
~David, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through Impact Trainings is that the Creator of all created me perfectly. My spirit has been endowed with everything I need for joy, happiness, excitement, love, and freedom for now and forever.
I learned to trust myself and to trust others completely. I learned that if I just leap a net will appear.
I am alive!
~David, Lift-Off 273~
~Pat, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned to be honest with myself, trust myself, and not be judgmental of others. My vision of a healed world is one of unconditional love and peace for everyone. I am more at peace within myself and I can love unconditionally.
~Pat, Lift-Off 273~
~Lisa, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am perfect just the way I am and that I am a beautiful, divine spirit. I learned that my voice is worthy of being heard and that by sharing my voice, I have the power to enroll others in my vision and the power to inspire others to shine their light.
~Lisa, Lift-Off 273~
~Samantha, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
Through Impact Trainings, I have had amazing life experiences. I recently had my grandma pass away and it was literally a lesson because I had no regrets. Not many people have had results where they had relationships that were perfect, but I did with my grandma. There was never a time where I doubted her love that she had for me. I learned that it was time for me to spread my love like never before because you never know what could happen. I am spreading love and light the way she did. It truly impacts people’s lives. I know I will never have regrets ever again!!!
~Samantha, Lift-Off 273~
~Erik, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is the incredible power that I have and that I am the only thing capable of standing in my way. When I am committed to something, I can achieve anything. Impact Trainings has given me the tools to assist me in getting out of my own way in creating miracles in my life. I have learned that I am a Spirit Being of Light and that everything I deserve to assist me in my journey is already here for me, I just get to claim it. I look forward to learning how to master my life and gain new tools in the LMT trainings.
~Erik, Lift-Off 273~
~Adam, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is I am powerful and I have a big heart.
My vision of a healed world is a place of complete unconditional love and trust.
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is, I have realized, I don’t need drugs and alcohol to make me think I’m happy and life is amazing!!!
~Adam, Lift-Off 273~
~Elizabeth, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
My greatest lesson I learned through Impact Trainings about myself is I am valuable! I have a purpose. I am here in this very moment for a reason that there are no accidents. My vision of a healed world is that we all live in harmony, we act on love, we share love, we are love to one another, we support and encourage everyone to be their best as a Spirit Being brought to us to learn from. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Trainings is that I love myself! I realize I am a creator and I am worth so much alone, by myself, but I deserve more of the best. I have a new found hunger for love, light, and life! Rarrr! J
~Elizabeth , Lift-Off 273~
~Grace, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am whole, powerful, and free to claim my life and easily move forward into an experience full of beauty, peace, and love. I learned how I had been limiting myself and what I could create in my life. I recognized how much love I had to give and that I was holding it in, not sharing. I got to let go and forgive myself and others at a much deeper level then I ever had before. I found accountability, power, freedom, love, and forgiveness. I now celebrate the opportunity this life offers to claim who I am and what I create.
~Grace, Lift-Off 273~
~John, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am a part of the world I live in and that I am making a change for love and peace. My vision of a healed world is one that finds forgiveness and love, knowing that we are all brothers and sisters. The greatest way my life has changed is that I have learned to love myself and have forgiveness for all.
~John, Lift-Off 273~
~Kristy, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of Impact Trainings is remembering who I am and honoring that from a space of love for myself that I had forgotten. I have gained tremendous amounts of trust, confidence, acceptance, love, and joy for myself and those around me. Having the chance to get out of my own way and touch, inspire, share, and honor those who truly deserve to see how wonderful they are and matter to this world. I discovered who I am, my purpose on this earth, also the knowing that we are all here for something and be the change I wish to see in this world. So powerful! I discovered truth, and getting to be and create whatever I want in my life. How amazing is that!
~Kristy, Lift-Off 273~
~Nina, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I have learned how to love unconditionally. I have amazing tools of accountability, choice, and creation. It’s one thing to say it, but I have experienced it fully. There is light, love, joy, forgiveness, freedom, trust, faith, courage and so much more that I am experiencing everyday. I am a beautiful, special, talented person and I am honored to be me.
My vision of a healed world is one where all creatures and people are valued and loved. There is freedom for all to let their voice be heard. Together, we soar!
In my life, I have now created healing for relationships and for my physical body. I have claimed my passion and zest for life and am experiencing abundance like never before.
~Nina, Lift-Off 273~
~Heather, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am a Spiritual Being, that I am loved by my Creator, and that we are all connected in spirituality no matter religious practices.
My vision of a healed world is that all people live with freedom, have abundance, and there is peace among all peoples.
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is that I hold no judgment of others, allowing me to see the love and beauty in every person. I love people! I have embraced my inner beauty! My excellence and confidence reflect in my dress, smile, and attitude. My relationships with those I love are open, loving, honest, and inspiring. I am love and light that I spread and ripple out in my relationships.
~Heather, Lift-Off 273~
~Dianasue, Lift-off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through Impact Trainings is that I am not only limitless, I am also equal to all the challenges in m life. I am incredibly blessed and grateful to move forward into my amazing life. My vision of a healed world is one of joy, peace, and unconditional love where we all see that we are one and all healing is created with the tools of nature, light, music, color, and the beauty of love. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is to have left behind that which crushed my spirit and literally moved home and stepped into my dreams that I made a reality.
~Dianasue, Lift-off 273~
~Lu, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am not my history or my job. I get to be me and I am an Open, Beautiful, Powerful Spirit Being of Light. My vision of a healed world is unconditional love and acceptance for everyone. We all live in abundance and joy. We celebrate every moment or every day together. We all trust ourselves and one another. Our world shines with love.
I live in the moment and cherish each moment I have. I accept that we all have our own dreams and I get to manifest mine. I have learned how to communicate to the Universe more clearly to get the positive results I get to enjoy. My courage and self-trust is immense.
~Lu, Lift-Off 273~
~Don Carlos, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am not bound by anyone else’s expectations. I really am in charge of all my outcomes and results and the possibilities are endless. My vision of a healed world is one where, no matter where I go, I can look into the eyes of my brother or sister and exchange love and empathy. The greatest change I’ve experienced is that I’m not afraid to take chances; I’m free to express, dance, live, and just be. And I am worth it.
~Don Carlos, Lift-Off 273~
~Scott, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I can do anything. I learned on the Ropes Weekend that anything is possible. The only limitations are the ones that we place on ourselves. That weekend, I learned not to place expectations on others and myself. I can do anything! At Ropes, I learned that if you give a little love it will return ten fold. In Summit , I learned that I am important and I have a voice that deserves to be heard!
~Scott, Lift-Off 273~
~Nichole, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is an infinite number of ways. Every single thing I thought couldn’t be healed, everything I thought wasn’t possible, happened. My life is living proof of a miracle. A girl who never felt beautiful or worthy of love, is now the most confident, tender woman. I see myself and the world differently. I see through the eyes of a child. Everything, everyone, and my life is beautiful, spiritual, and divine.
I refuse to let a person pass me by without looking, smiling, and following the promptings of my heart. I know my purpose it to bring Christ Consciousness to all of God’s Creations. This is living as truth in my life, because I found those things in ME first. I never knew how amazing life could be. I live in the moment each day and choose to exude unconditional love and acceptance.
~Nichole, Lift-Off 273~
~DeNelle, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is to love myself. I now am able to love myself unconditionally and because of this love, I’ve allowed trust and forgiveness into my life.
My vision of a healed world is one of light, love, and truth, where authenticity is second nature and the love and light flow consistently through all beings, animals, and organisms.
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is I no longer feel the need for other people in my life for me to be happy. I am happy with myself. I don’t have to be with a partner to feel my worth. I don’t need to have sex to feel love because I now love myself and respect myself to keep that part of me to myself and be sacred.
I AM a Passionate, Spiritual, Healing, Creative Woman of Light, and the best part is knowing, acknowledging, and loving that about me. J
~DeNelle, Lift-Off 273~
~Brianne, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
Well, first thing I want you to know is that I am a Beautiful, Loving, Passionate, Joyful Woman of Light and thank you, thank you, thank you Impact. I am completely ready to go on in life, fearless of showing myself and telling you I am worthy of whatever opportunities come my way. Yeaaa! Boooii!
My vision of a healed world is one of peace, unity, love, and respect for all.
I have changed in so many areas in my life and I can tell everyone proudly I love who I am and I am honored for that. How amazingly crazy Impact impacted me and I will keep moving forward with it. I love you!, and thank you.
~Brianne, Lift-Off 273~
~Shadan, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lessons I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am perfect and powerful. My vision of a healed world is of love, where all of God’s Children are honest and free. I am myself. I am free and outward focused.
~Shadan, Lift-Off 273~
~Diann, Lift-Off 273~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is I no longer live in a lonely space “hoping” things will change or be different. I live in the NOW and I feel such joy and love in my life. I am so thankful that I could experience this amazing journey with my eternal companion. I have been given the gift of a new life where goals are made and accomplished with such passion. There was a time before my Trainings that I literally packed my dreams away, thinking I was too old to have dreams. WOW! We are never too old!
~Diann, Lift-Off 273~
~Lynette, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am a leader, born to inspire many in this world, creating a loving, peaceful, healthy, safe world. My vision of a healed world is one where everyone lives in harmony, protecting the environment, cleaning this world, making it healthy again, saving endangered species, growing animal populations and saving the ecosystem. The greatest way my life has changed is that I am balanced, happy, loving, and free. It’s time for me to step into my shoes and be the person I was born to be!
~Lynette, Lift-Off 269~
~Kasey, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I AM a Powerful, Inspiring, Caring Man of Light. My vision of a healed world is one of love and light to trust and be trusted by all, to live freely. The greatest way my life has changed is that I can be myself and I’m happy with who I am.
~Kasey, Lift-Off 269~
~Bret, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
My greatest lesson is being me, myself. There is no reason to be anything else. My vision of a healed world is everyone living together in beauty and peace; everyone working together. I have been given my life back. My relationships are improving. I have no fear or anxiety. I have calmness in my life that wasn’t there before.
~Bret, Lift-Off 269~
~Cody, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I won’t pick just one lesson as the greatest I’ve taken from the Trainings because they’re all hugely significant in my life. Putting them into actual effect has truly been a miracle. At times, I’ve felt like I was dreaming because it feels too good to be true.
~Cody, Lift-Off 269~
~Diane, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am never alone. It’s okay to just be me.
~Diane, Lift-Off 269~
~Demi, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I’ve learned about myself while taking on Impact Trainings is my life is going to keep on lifting, and that is good news. I can learn and grow, living and working through my heart and love my lifting experiences, taking from them learning. People are put in my life to teach me and I know that they are sent to me to teach and it is perfect for me. What I gain from each person is what I will allow myself to take and grow from.
~Demi, Lift-Off 269~
~Franklin, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I have the power to transform every relationship in my life with one thought. I change and change my vibration in an instant! My vision of a healed world is the end of physical and emotional abuse, the enlightenment of parents, the healing of all my fellow children of light, love, and happiness. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is that all my relationships have transformed. Love and healing have already become huge in my everyday life. Love and Light.
~Franklin , Lift-Off 269~
~Jane, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed has been in knowing that whatever life throws in my way, I am able to create the solution that works for me and others. I know that these are opportunities to learn, grow, and trust. I am confident and committed to take my life for myself and my family.
~Jane, Lift-Off 269~
~Lee Ann, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is I now lead my life, relationships, and business from my heart, not my head. Before Quest, I thought I was making good progress towards what I wanted to create in life. I had a clear vision and I was moving forward. What I learned at Impact is that I was making it harder on myself then necessary. Yes, I was making progress, but getting in my way and choosing hard, not easy. The Impact Trainings assisted me in reconnecting with my heart, my purpose in life and absolute certainty that I can trust and know all is unfolding perfectly.
~Lee Ann, Lift-Off 269~
~Travis, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is learning to let go of the past and have peace with my previous experiences and to also learn from those experiences.
~Travis, Lift-Off 269~
~Christine, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
My vision of a healed world is every creation on this earth is full of light and living, and being their light. There is peace, love, and joy everywhere and in all. Everyone and everything created here on earth knows their purpose and lives their purpose. There is light, beauty, peace, and clarity in all.
~Christine, Lift-Off 269~
~Logan, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is that I totally fell in love with myself!!!
~Logan , Lift-Off 269~
~Amy, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is trust and unconditional love. I am an inspiring light with love, forgiveness, communication and, by showing up, I get to see the ripple effect my actions.
~Amy, Lift-Off 269~
~Katy, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is the growth and change I’ve experienced within myself. I no longer live in fear and anxiety. I have a deep peace and calmness about me now. I’ve learned to trust myself in all of my actions, creations, and relationships. I know that I deserve all the beauty and abundance that this life has to offer and I know my power to create that in my life. My relationships are healing, loving, and working, but most importantly, the relationship with myself is one of unconditional love, trust, passion, joy, peace, and absolute beauty.
~Katy, Lift-Off 269~
~Dylon, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am the creator of my life and I deserve all the things I have dreamed for. My vision of a healed world is one free of judgment, guilt and doubt, and a world full of joy, peace, and unity. The greatest way my life has changed is that I don’t have to put everyone ahead of myself; I deserve to put myself first as well. I can be the change in life for others and myself.
~Dylon, Lift-Off 269~
~Bijan, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I truly get to be ME and love ME for who I am; dropping all judgments upon others and myself has allowed peace and love to flow into my life. My vision of a healed world is one where people love each other and themselves, serving each other and peace. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is that I now realize I am a creator of my path. I can choose to do ANYTHING, and do it. No limitations, just commitment to achieve what I want.
~Bijan, Lift-Off 269~
~Erin, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
Through the Impact Trainings, I learned to love myself and to cherish the gift that I am. This has created a ripple of positive and loving change in every relationship I have from work to friends and family. I know the difference my life is now is one of peace and joy. I know what is possible and that I get to create and have a wonderful life. I’m excited about living and I’m thankful for every day.
~Erin , Lift-Off 269~
~Susan, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am passionate and a powerful woman, that I am the one that has been getting in my way of living life the way that I deserve. I also learned its okay to take care of myself before others. I found when I do that I can give and love to my greatest capability the way I deserve. I also learned when I have clear intention, I can move mountains.
~Susan, Lift-Off 269~
~Sheri, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I have learned about myself is that I had created beliefs about myself based on my life experiences that were absolutely false. I learned that because of these false beliefs, I had built up walls around myself, not allowing love to flow in or out of my life. My vision of a healed world is one of peace, abundance, and unconditional love for all of mankind. The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Trainings is I have torn down those walls and now know I am a Passionate, Loving, Trusting, Spiritual Woman of Light and always have been. I have taken on my life and choose always to give 100% + 1 in all I do. I love life!!!
~Sheri, Lift-Off 269~
~Krystal, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself was that I have a voice and use my voice all the time. I have learned that I have a lot more growing to do.
My vision of a healed world is that everyone loves everyone and there is lots and lots of love and peace going all around the world.
The greatest way my life has changed is for the better and I have so much more respect for myself and power/light to give and shine all over everyone that I come into contact with.
~Krystal, Lift-Off 269~
~Loralee, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself in Impact Trainings was the amount of trust to “lean into life”. I have gained and experienced all that is placed in front of me for my taking. In so taking “this on”, I get to give back and share now with the world that in giving and serving is the highest form of love.
My vision of a healed world is embracing this life and all of God’s Creations, then inspiring the ripple effect so that each Being of Light spreads their Light until the earth is a beam of Light in honor towards our Creator. My life has changed in that I trust myself and I trust my Creator as we walk together.
~Loralee, Lift-Off 269~
~Heather, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is I AM!!! I am a powerful creator. I am an inspiration. I am love!!! The only person who has been holding me back from being my excellence is me. I am ready to go out into the world and begin my amazing ripple effect. I am ready to be the change that I deserve and the change the world deserves. Through living my purpose, I am creating a world of passion and beauty!
~Heather, Lift-Off 269~
~Megan, Lift-Off 269~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I AM powerful, I do trust myself and that through showing my love and my light, that I inspire others to be their excellence and the perfect Beings that their creator made them to be. I learned that I get to be the Light to those around me and be my excellence and the divine being that I am everyday.
~Megan, Lift-Off 269~
~Lauren, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I learned that I am worthy of all the glorious blessings this world has to offer me. I love who I am today and I know my purpose! There are so many possibilities for my life now, and I go about them with an absolute open and loving heart! Bring it on!
My vision of a healed world is one of peace and absolute harmony. A world where brothers and sisters are not in judgment of one another and love is unconditional. My vision is when we all acknowledge everything and everyone is perfect!
My light is now shining brightly and I am so excited to be my contribution in this world. The time is NOW and I am committed to be the change I want to see in the world.
~Lauren, Lift-Off 271~
~Omar, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am unconditional love. I am a Powerful, Loving, Enthusiastic, Intelligent, Spiritual Spirit Being of Light. I am not a victim anymore and I am accountable for all my experiences. I forgive myself and all my relationships.
My vision of a healed world is that of a conscious world where love rules and peace abounds all around. Everyone is free to be who they choose and fully express all their talents and contributions. A world full of health and prosperity, where a sustainable and renewable source of energy is what helps shift us to the next thousand years of peace.
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is me owning my voice, self-worth, and love and expressing myself fully and giving my all in everything and then some…Through being a Powerful, Loving, Enthusiastic, Intelligent, Spiritual Spirit Being of Light, I bring nurturing and inspiration to all of God’s Children creating Heaven on Earth!
~Omar, Lift-Off 271~
~Jarrod, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
I AM now an authentic, genuine man! I now have complete confidence in my abilities and in who I m! No walls and no masks. The real me is what you get! Look out world, I Am on fire. I trust myself and that feels like a new experience. Now that I trust and love myself, I am able to open to love from others. My life has changed because I recognize my power and I am conscious of the effects that I have. My life has changed because I AM conscious!
~Jarrod, Lift-Off 271~
~Suzanne, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
Wow!!! My life has changed in so many ways through my Impact Trainings. The greatest is the light that I see and feel. The weight that was holding me back from experiencing my life is gone. I am free to be – to be what I choose, to radiate my joy and happiness to everyone – my husband, children, siblings, and parents, to everyone in my life. I get to feel true joy and happiness. I am so grateful for this priceless gift.
~Suzanne, Lift-Off 271~
~Bonnie, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about me through Impact is that I am worthy of a beautiful life. I have received freedom. I have moved from fears to love. I have moved from judgment to acceptance of myself and others. My vision of a healed world is one where every heart, beginning with mine, is filled with gratitude and love. It is a world where everyone knows of their worth and the worth of everyone around them, including and beginning with myself. I am now free to move and do. I am able to just go and just do it. I am very comfortable with myself and that is huge for me.
~Bonnie, Lift-Off 271~
~Jeremy, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is that I am a Courageous, Powerful, Passionate Man of Light; that I didn’t need to live in the space of a victim. I live in cause not effect.
My vision of a healed world is for everybody to have unconditional love and for there to be peace in the world – no worries about money or jobs.
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is a more positive energy and positive outlook on life. That I have control of my life and what happens by what energy I bring forth. To love is to give love and I will receive it back.
~Jeremy, Lift-Off 271~
~Shere, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest way my life has changed as a result of the Impact Trainings is to acknowledge my walls, own them and let them go. My life is more peaceful and loving from embracing the skills and tools that the Trainings has taught me. Before these Trainings, I had chronic shoulder and back pain from the stress that I kept inside of me. I am happy to say that the pain in my shoulders and back has been released. There is always stress to deal with and I am committed to use the tools to create peace, love, trust, and unity in my soul to radiate my positive vibrations to the world and the universe. I have felt the results of Impact Trainings. I am free.
~Shere, Lift-Off 271~
~Lupe, Lift-Off 271~ My Impact Trainings Experience
The greatest lesson I learned about myself through the Impact Trainings is to be my genuine self. By being my genuine self, I have the opportunity to embrace life as it comes, and approach life with a positive attitude. By living my life as a genuine person, I get to share my love on a higher, deeper level with everyone that I come in contact with. What a blessing!!!
~Lupe, Lift-Off 271~
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