Friday, October 28, 2011

~Anonymous~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Trainings was very unconscious, because I always thought that I was right and didn’t listen or experience anyone else’s point of view even when what I heard or experienced from someone else was truth.  I used to pretend to be someone that I’m really not.  I always acted and tried to be stronger then everyone around me.  My transformation started when I moved out of my parents’ home and moved to Utah.  When I felt my family far from me, my consciousness started to open and people in my life started to show up. My husband left to Mexico and I got to stay here by myself.  I created a really hard situation in my life, by me being alone, that I didn’t want to live anymore.  I had thoughts that it was all too much for me.  And that is when the most beautiful and amazing gift came to me, Impact Trainings.  Since I stared Impact, my life started to shift enormously.  I started seeing things, people and anything around me differently and in a positive way.  It didn’t matter if it was something “bad”.  I still see the good in it and my life now, after Impact, is amazing.  I am awake and I can feel the gratitude within my heart every single day of my life.  It feels like I have been born again with a perfect life.  I feel enormous love, gratitude, and peace in my life now every single day.  And the biggest gift that I have had is my Impact Trainings.  Thank you, thank you, thank you…


~Jose, Lift-Off 266~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before the Training was like chaos.  Tragedy after tragedy came into my life.  I was an egocentric, selfish man.  I only thought about myself and didn’t care about what people said or thought.  My life after the Trainings is a miracle.  It’s a full life of emotions and so many opportunities every moment.  Now I love myself and everybody else in every moment in every event I experience.  I love and feel connected to everything that enters my life.  I have learned everything and every person.  I have learned to assist myself and toughs around me elevate into a higher vibration.  Sometimes I don’t get to see become but I can feel their assistance.  Everything is perfect because God created it.  444

~Jose, Lift-Off 266~

~Terral, Lift-Off 207~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was an old, dried up, large elm tree with no leaves and cracking bark.  The sky was dark and dry leaves were blowing around me.  There was only dirt on the ground around me.

After Impact, I am a large, beautiful, green elm tree.  My branches and trunk are young and full of green leaves.  The sun is shinning, the grass is growing around me.  It’s bright and shining all around me.

~Terral, Lift-Off 207~

~Cyndee, Lift-Off 199~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, my life was like standing in a dark tunnel.  I felt like I was in a bumper car, bouncing from side to side, jerking and getting nowhere.  No matter how hard I “tried”, nothing was ever different, nothing was ever better.  After completing Quest, I could feel the shift in my entire being.  A white light appeared like a glistening path with jagged edges and I began to follow.  But I was still on the bumper car.  Then I took on Summit.  The edges began to soften and the path began to smooth.  After Lift-Off, my life shifted to a beautiful space of flowing.  The dark tunnel began to sparkle with beams of light.  I thought I was complete.  My life seemed to flow smoothly, but I keow there was more.  Now that I have completed LMT, my life is like a beautiful, smooth ice skating rink.  I am twirling and soaring, arms outstretched with the wind blowing in my hair.  Occasionally, I do fall, but I now have the tools to shift myself into a higher vibration.  I have the tools to crate the world I want to live in.  I am free.  I am Joy.  I am Love.

And So It Is.

~Cyndee, Lift-Off 199~

~Maria, Lift-Off 266~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Trainings was stressful.  I lived in fear and darkness.  I was living in the past and the future, thinking of everybody else and not me.  My life after Impact Trainings is beautiful.  I enjoy every moment.  I feel alive. I see miracles every day.  I feel like I woke up from a long, long sleep. 

I am so grateful for the light, my family, my husband, my Impact family, for each person I encounter everyday, and for my awakeness.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Angles for the assistance in this process.

~Maria, Lift-Off 266~

~Sharon, Lift-Off 213~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I felt like a pressure cooker working with external heat to create a pressure filled canister.  Dangerous amounts of steam were generated at high heats, burning anyone near by and injuring others.  The pressure had to be regulated, usually by an outside source to assure that an explosion didn’t take place.

After Impact, I feel like I have a well balanced regulator that gives me the opportunity to release acceptable and healthy amounts of steam in creative ways so that there is not a build up of steam or emotions that used to create a dangerously high level of pressure.  I can breathe and feel my lungs expand and realize they are in a fluid motion.  I have the power to build “pressure” that is converted emotions, thoughts, and feelings into energy which can be used to create and heal as opposed to destroy. 

~Sharon, Lift-Off 213~

~Carol, Lift-Off 266~ My Impact Traininigs Experience

Before Impact, I felt like a tired, worn out work horse.  I would go to work and keep going all day not looking around me or enjoying anything for fear if I stopped for a minute I wouldn’t be able to keep going.  I lived in fear and anxiety, always wondering what tragedy was about to show up.  I would go home exhausted and out of sorts with no energy left to spend with the people I loved most.  After Impact, I feel confident and knowing.  I love taking in my surroundings.  I anticipate the opportunities that are opened up to me daily and I embrace them with a knowledge that I have created that moment for my perfect experience to lean and grow.  I now save my energy for the moments I choose to experience.  I feel empowered by my creator and his love for me. 

~Carol, Lift-Off 266~

~Vera, Lift-Off 266~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Quest, it was like I was watching a black and white movie with no sound.  After Quest the colors were vibrant, there was music, voices, and laughter abundantly flowing all around me.  I am a part of this and life is beautiful.  I stepped out from in front of the TV and merged with all the vibrant life around me.  This is what I was looking for all this time and finally found now that I stopped looking everywhere else and realized what is all around me.

~Vera, Lift-Off 266~

~Sara, Lift-Off 192~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was drowning in a sea of emotions.  The self-judgment, guilt, fears, and doubts were suffocating me.  The pull was so strong I felt as if I would be lost forever.  There was nothing but darkness.  My life has changed so much.  Impact was the lifeboat that saved me.  I found peace and self love in myself.  Impact has brought the light back into my life and shown me the way.  I now know the light had been there inside me all the time.  I just finally chose to turn it on and keep it burning bright.  I am filled with so much light and love.  I am a Beautiful, Loving, Passionate, Powerful Woman of Light.  I am happy with who I am and I am grateful for each new day!

~Sara, Lift-Off 192~

~Troy, Lift-Off 191~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Quest, I felt as though I had a battle raging inside of me.  I felt in turmoil with which direction I wanted to move in life and whether or not there was really anybody to answer my questions about which way to go.  I spent a lot of energy and time looking for the answers to life from other people and questioned why I was not worthy to receive my own answers.  What I found through the Impact Trainings is that I have my own answers.  The compass to life was inside of me all along and I am loved enough to receive my own answers. 

~Troy, Lift-Off 191~

~Tanya, Lift-Off 212~ My Impact Trainings Experience

I was alone walking in the forest, not knowing where to go, frightened of what was around me, lurking in the shadows.  After Impact, the forest became bright and clean, the flowers and the trees became alive.  My friends that guided me around taught me along the way, and I was no longer lost and alone.  I became one with the forest!

~Tanya, Lift-Off 212~

~Anonymous~ My Impact Trainings Experience

The differences in night and day!  My transition is a miracle!  I Am a miracle!

Before Impact, I had so much anger inside of me.  Of course, I didn’t know that wasn’t normal.  People coming to my door, people walking along the street, and in many social situations, I would feel anger towards them.  I had such a hard shell around me that I didn’t have any breakthroughs until after I got into LMT 1.  I did not enjoy life – nothing was fun.  I was very weighed down.  Another thing I felt was very intimidated by others – I felt beneath others, like a little dog with its tail between its legs.  Absolutely no confidence….At times I had feelings of deep sadness.  Life was too hard to bear.  After my Trainings (which is still continuing) I feel much love and light towards people whether walking down the street, in crowds, or in a one-on-one situations.  I know each person’s worth and feel much love towards them.  I am not shy.  I am not intimidated. I know my worth and I feel at peace. 


~Lezlee, Lift-Off 221~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life was a cocoon filled with beauty, depth, safety and much, much undiscovered awareness, truth and juiciness to life.  Now after 4 years of Life Mastery Trainings, the cocoon is opening, beauty is beginning to release as the cocoon opens.  There is much movement, colors of violet and consciousness flowing forth in a feeling of carnival celebration.  Freedom is exploding and the fun truly begins.  But there is be more.

~Lezlee, Lift-Off 221~

~Shelby, Lift-Off 266~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I felt like a puppy that was locked in a cage.  I wasn’t allowed out and had no one to pay with.  After Impact Trainings, I felt like I could be a puppy again and run around and play with others and be free to do whatever I wanted.

~Shelby, Lift-Off 266~

~Kelly, Lift-Off 265~ My Impact Trainings Experience

I started my life as a brand new, shiny tin man with a sharp axe and an excitement for life.  As I traveled my journey, I found myself getting dirty because I kept falling.  I would always pick myself up, yet I was getting filthy and even rusting.  I soon became so rusty that I couldn’t even move or feel.  My heart had closed down.  Then this angel in white came by and saw this mess I had created and invited me to Impact.  I went to Quest Training with nothing to lose, but my rusty past.  When I brushed off the dirt and polished off the rust a miracle happened.  My heart came alive and started to sing and it has been singing ever since.  Life to me is a beautiful gift and I am grateful for my angle and to Impact Trainings.

~Kelly, Lift-Off 265~

~Tina, Lift-Off 214~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Trainings felt as if I was in a dark, cold, cement room.  The walls were so tall that I was not able to climb out.  There were no windows or doors to get out of.  I was stuck and all by myself.  I felt cold and lonely. 

After going through Impact Trainings, I felt such freedom.  It was as if I was a caged bird that had been let free – free to fly with no limitations, to soar as high as my heart desired.  I see myself now flying into the sun and the warmth and the light, flying as fast as I want or as slow as I want, taking in all there is to see.  I feel the abundance of Gods love and the beauty of all of creation and know I can live in Joy, Peace, Unity, and Light.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! to Hans, Sally, and the other trainers for making this possible!  Love and Light!

~Tina, Lift-Off 214~

~George, Lift-Off 255~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Trainings, I was a hollow shell of a man.  No joy, no purpose, afraid, and angry.  I knew I was loved, but I was afraid to show love in return – I had forgotten who I AM and why I AM here.  My Angels, George and Natasha, cared enough about me to ask “when is it your turn?”  I accepted their challenge.  My life has changed!  I have found ME!  I AM an Honest, Trusting, Creative Man of Light, I bring Love and Inspiration to reunite the world in Peace and Tranquility.  And So It Is, I AM my word.

~George, Lift-Off 255~

~Kelly, Lift-Off 224~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Life before Impact was a miserable life.  I used to THINK, is this all there is to life?  I would go through my check list of things I got to do to TRY to be good enough for God to be pleased with me.  I would often wonder is their really any use?  So many times my level of caring ran very low.

My life after Impact has been incredible.  Many times I share with others that the single most important thing any of us can do in this life is to get in touch with who we really are.  I know who I AM.  I AM the richest man alive.  I wouldn’t trade all the riches in the world for all that I now own.  I AM free from all the boat anchors that have held me down in my life.  I know that God lives.  I know that I am His son.  I have value, I count, I love myself, and I never even used to like me.  What I used to call trials, I call opportunities.  What I used to find fault in, I now find empowering blessings to grow from.  I love people.  I love to see a sparkle in their eye as they begin to realize who they are.  I love to see people shift as they move from victim to creator.  I love Light.  I love my Father in Heaven.  I love my big brother, Jesus the Christ.  I love my Heavenly Mother.  I love Mother Earth and the Great Spirit she carries.  I love Hans, Sally, Pamela and Justin and all the staff for their committed actions in making a difference.  I love all Light Workers who choose into their power to make a difference.  I love choice, I love gratitude, and I love IMPACT.  I LOVE ME.  AND SO IT IS!!!

~Kelly, Lift-Off 224~

~Anne, Lift-Off 216~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I felt like a flickering match, barely lit.  My light barely existing and at any moment it could die.  I felt like I was trying to burn as bright as the almighty sun, but in comparison, I was hardly seen, and barely hanging on.

After Impact, I know that the eternal, powerful light of the sun has always been burning bright and powerful in my heart and soul.  I just got to take down the walls and self-doubt I had built around me, and let my beautiful, shining light radiate into the world, inspiring others to see their own light!

~Anne, Lift-Off 216~

~Launa, Lift-Off 207~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Trainings, I had a full life but I felt as though I were a busy little hamster running about the walls of my cage/life.  Everything in life I thought was set and I knew what to do but I felt limited by my own lack of confidence to reach higher and look beyond what I was doing for new ways.  I’d spin on my wheel and be exhausted at the end of my day.  I had love for others, I served others but I didn’t feel I was all that they deserved.  After Impact Trainings, I opened my eyes to all that I am and all the possibilities in life.  I felt free.  I felt like I can do anything and I do.  I have discovered life has no limitations, no walls, only those I choose to impose on myself.  My business has flourished outside the walls I had.  I have grown beyond what I know was possible.  I have more joy then ever but most of all I am full of peace knowing no matter what life brings, I can create my life however I want.  Every experience in life is for learning and it is awesome.  Now my life is full but full of perfect lessons and opportunities everyday.  Life is beautiful!

~Launa, Lift-Off 207~

~Corinne, Lift-Off 222~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was a half-full glass of cloudy water with an unpleasant taste.  After Impact, I am a sparkly full glass, very clear and pleasant tasting – never empty.

Before Impact, I was like a thunder storm sometimes harsh and heavy, causing disruption in mine and others’ lives.  After Impact, I am like a gentle shower, bringing peace and nourishment to all flowers and plants.  Everything is clean and fresh, a peace in mind and purpose.

~Corinne, Lift-Off 222~

~David, Lift-Off 237~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Quest, my life was like the stale air in a dark and dank cave - musty, stagnant, not moving, and dead.  After Impact Trainings, I am the swift, free morning breeze, flowing over the mountain top, thru the blades of grass on the mountain meadow, and flowing down the mountain, thru the valley up and over, and around the mountain tops soaring up, up, up into the sky.  Free as a bird.

~David, Lift-Off 237~

~Todd, Lift-Off 260~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, it was like I was in a deep dark cave.  Everything I did “trying” to get out seemed to put me deeper into the cave.  My life was empty and filled with hate.  I felt as if I was alone on my path.

After Impact, I found myself climbing out of my cave into a beautiful field of flowers, birds singing, and most of all, I found my light.  I now know who I am and why I am here.  For that I am forever grateful.  I know that my life is worth living and showing my true power.  I am Love.  I choose to be. J

~Todd, Lift-Off 260~

~Joshua, Lift-Off 218~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Trainings felt as if I were trapped in a dark cave with other lost people.  I didn’t know I was so frustrated and angry, feelings that hovered over my rusty, broken heart.  I could not figure out how to make it work and would get even angrier making it work.  I felt very alone even though there were others around.

After Impact, I feel I could soar!  I could love being me and love others.  I feel as if I could jump in a river, swim up a waterfall, run up the side of a mountain, jump off the top and fly with the angels!  I experienced love and joy.  I feel as if the sunglasses were taken off of life and I saw life in full vibrant color!

~Joshua, Lift-Off 218~

~Andrea, Lift-Off 185~ My Impact Trainings Experience

When I was a little girl, I loved to make angels in the snow.  Since going to Impact Trainings, I feel that I am again making angels in the snow.

~Andrea, Lift-Off 185~

~Vicky, Lift-Off 212~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Trainings – I was in a dark, dark ocean.  A hug, deep, never-ending ocean.  I was in the midst of violent waves, overwhelming me.  I felt that no matter what I did, it wouldn’t make a difference.  I was being sucked down, down, down and I was at the verge of giving up.  I couldn’t breathe and why should I even try?

After Impact Trainings – The ocean is still there, but I choose not to be in it!!!  Yes, I choose!!! I do have a choice moment to moment to see the beauty, peace, joy, and love that is abundantly around me always.  Not only is it around me, it is ME!  Impact Trainings provided a safe space and opportunity for me to honestly and accountable take a look at myself and my life.  I was then invited to learn tools that would assist me in every situation that comes in life.  Because of the Trainings, I am clear, I trust what I know, I am empowered, and I am the creator of my life.  Every aspect of my life has been affected and changed in beautiful ways.  I am in deepest gratitude for the relationship I have with myself and loved ones and all who come into my life.  Impact Trainings was absolutely life altering and I am eternally grateful.

~Vicky, Lift-Off 212~

~Carla, Lift-Off 186~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was in a deep, dark cavern.  There was no light; the walls were hard and cold.  It felt like tons and tons of rock and dirt covered the entire cavern.  There was little air to breathe.  I was suffocating.  In every direction there was only darkness - heavy, dense, cold darkness - with no way out.  As my Quest Training began, a small shaft of light penetrated the cavern and the darkness.  It was still a long ways to the entrance and still many tons of rock covering the cavern.  As I continued my training, the light shafts grew longer and more abundant until a golden sun was visible, then the rock crumbled.  I easily walked out of the cavern into the brilliant, beautiful sunlight - breathing, smiling – gratitude filled my heart.  All that rock is now crystalline energy with the sun blasting through radiating all the colors of the rainbow.

~Carla, Lift-Off 186~

~Dorian, Lift-Off 223~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before the Trainings, I felt hungry all the time.  Eating here and there but never satisfied, always hungering.  After the Trainings, I feel as though I now sit at a banquet table full of the most nourishing, delicious food, always there, always plenty more than enough to fill myself and all who come to join with me.

~Dorian, Lift-Off 223~

~Glen, Lift-Off 186~ My Impact Trainings Experience

High on the mountain is a small lake that is surrounded by quaking aspen and pines on one side and a high cliff on the other side.  Halfway up the cliff there is an eagle nest with a little eaglet watching other eagles soaring in the distance.  “Wow! That is awesome.  I want to do that.”  Months go by and the eaglet is now an adolescent and is flying with his friends.  One day he notices a bright object in the sky and wants to fly to it.  His friends told him he couldn’t do that.  It just is not done.  The other eagles told him the same and eventually he believed them so much that he chose to never fly again and let go of his dreams.  One day, a beautiful man came and picked up the eagle and took him home and fixed his wings.  One day he took the eagle out on his arm.  He pointed to that shiny object and said, “Ok Glen, go get your moon”.  Glen flew away and soared to the moon.

When I was in the 3rd grade, we studied the planets.  That night I looked up to the sky and saw the full moon.  It was bright and shiny and looked like the pictures of the planets I saw at school.  I was so excited that I had noticed the similarity.  The next day at school I shared my excitement with my classmates.  I must have been the only person who did not know that about the moon.  My classmates literally backed me into a corner and laughed at me.  That was the moment that I chose to never risk again.  I always sat in the back of the room and never asked questions.  I didn’t talk much and discounted anything about myself.  A man without a dream is like a broken winged eagle.  Rarely do they fly again.  The beautiful man is Impact Trainings who repaired my wings and gave me back my moon.  I now soar with the eagles each and every day.

~Glen, Lift-Off 186~

~Bliss, Lift-Off 259~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was the gray mists through which rays of light shown only occasionally.  I felt formless and isolated, waiting for things to happen.  Grey characterized much of what I experienced though an occasional inspiration lifted my spirits.  I did not see the color and beauty around me.

After Impact, I am a rainbow full of color and rippling out.  I create my world.  Coincidences abound.  I see others through the eyes of love, look for beauty in them and the creation gifted to me by God.  I no longer wait for love to happen.  I love and contribute to the wondrous beauty of life.

~Bliss, Lift-Off 259~

~Tammy, Lift-Off 263~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I blamed everyone else for the chaos I was experiencing and the life I was living.  In Quest, I learned who I wasn’t.  In Summit, I learned who I am.  In Lift-Off, I learned that I am the powerful creator of my life.  In LMT 1, I was able to reach out and learn more about Mother Nature and how it plays a very important part in my life here on earth.  In LMT 2, I learned that I am a daughter of God and worthy to be here on this earth.  I learned that being with and loving myself is more powerful than what I had believed all my life.  I had believed someone, mainly a man, made me whole.  What I know now is I am whole and I’m never alone.  To love myself is the greatest gift.  I love me and I can love all in the world.  I see everything with new eyes.  The world has opened up to me possibilities that are everywhere.  My life is open to new experiences, friends I know, and those who I haven’t met yet. 

The language of increase is beautiful and has assisted me greatly.  My life is mine to create.  I stand for me to stand for others.  I take a stand with those in my life who get to stand for theirs.  LMT 3 is beautiful and a great gift; Being surrounded with light workers.  How beautiful.  Often people just step up to me and thank me for a smile, for the kind word.  It’s the Angles working through me to touch the lives of all Gods Children.

~Tammy, Lift-Off 263~

~Krystine, Lift-Off 125~ My Impact Trainings Experience

From a dark vacuum of incest, violence and abuse, where no amount of love, sex, food, and success could fill my void of self hatred, I “inflicted” everything and every relationship I had with my own self hate, and thus was “right”.  I was not loveable, beautiful, or talented.  I crated a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And then one day my son (oldest) came to me and proclaimed his love for me.  I was blown away.  He said “I love you mom.  You did the best you knew how and NOW it is time to learn something more.  Trust me.  And I went to my first Guest Presentation.  Then to Quest and it was during my last process just minutes before my Quest Graduation, that process tore a hole in the fabric of my self-hatred and a beautiful beam of light shot through my heart.  I saw myself as love, peace, joy and light. 

So from the chaos emerged a beautiful seed bearing light, and as my loving trainers sustained, supported, and loved me, I have now created a world of brilliant colors, frequencies with sound and light in which there is no end.  A spiral dance of beauty that is now my soul.

~Krystine, Lift-Off 125~

Thursday, October 27, 2011

~Jed, Lift-Off 232~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before I went to Quest, I had a good life.  But, what I didn't realize, is that I was capable of a great life.  Since Quest, I have come to know how capable I am at accomplishing goals, leading people and creating wealth.  The best thing about having attended Quest is that I really learned to relate to other people.  My relationships are much closer and real.  My life has truly gone from good to great!

~Jed, Lift-Off 232~

~Nathan, Lift-Off 241~ My Impact Trainings Experience

A great barren land is seen in the distance, sandy, devoid of plant life.  Only the sun is seen over the horizon of the dunes.  This land stretches seemingly forever as a great ocean of sand. 

Then, one day, a wind began to blow very strong without ceasing; Day and night for many days.  Day after day, the sand covering the valley was swept to and fro and then away.  After two days of this, the tops of trees and buildings were revealed, evidence of a once vibrant, bustling city.  Pools of water were revealed with springs coming up for the earth, their source, a great mountain a distant land.  All traces of this once-great city stand as if petrified.  Then as the last remnants of sand flurry in the air, a great cloud forms and darkens over the city.  A great torrent of rain begins to fall and cleanse, refresh, and revitalize, as the bright colors of buildings and streets return to their former glory and flowers and fruit trees grow once more.  The rain ceases and as people in neighboring villages experience the tumult, they come, they see, and being to inhabit this beautiful oasis.  And So It Is!!!

~Nathan, Lift-Off 241~

~Jim, Lift-Off 132~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Trainings, I felt I knew the plan, my plan - keep all I trust close to me, but mostly if I needed you, I would let you in and it had to be my way or the highway, indifferent, it's possible you could be of value to me, and no middle ground.

Now, I am open to create love and value with all.  I give love away with no expectations.  I am tender to all and show up as fun, enthusiastic, and joyful.  I feel and hear the connections with everyone.  I give tenderness to all and all has value.  I connect with energies in nature and life.  I create healing and communication with everyone.  I touch with love, humor, kindness, warmth and joy wherever I am, expanding my flame and lighting the fire within.  I inspire with passion!

~Jim, Lift-Off 132~

~Mike, Lift-Off 43~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before the Training was a fearful, non-trusting, empty shell, hiding behind someone I wasn't.  After Impact Trainings, I am a Powerful, Passionate, Beautiful Spirit Being of Light, full of life and ready to take a stand and be who I am.  No more fear, judgement, or pain and ready to trust again.  And So It Is!!!

~Mike, Lift-Off 43~

~Michelle, Lift-Off 55~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Prior to the Impact Trainings, I liken my life to having a garden filled with yellow flowers.  I had been programmed for so long that yellow flowers were the best and only true flower that would survive in my garden.  After my Trainings, I learned to accept and plant all different types of flowers, seeing the beauty in all things (colors of flowers) including appreciating and honoring the weeds for the purpose they serve in my garden.  My garden never looked so perfect.

~Michelle, Lift-Off 55~

~Elise, Lift-Off 188~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before my Trainings was one that lacked a clear purpose and I believed that I had a vision of what my life was to be and how I was to show up in several aspects of life...

Now I have embraced empowerment in my life purpose and I choose the way I see my relationships and commitments in my daily, weekly, and yearly routines.  When I have a lesson to learn, everything is in divine order and my willingness to take it on is one with the ability of having the proper tools to create results in my life.  The tools empower me to be all I am.  And So It Is!!!

~Elise, Lift-Off 188~

~Christine, Lift-Off 224~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was a seed that had not been sewn.  I was searching for a place to be, to grow, and to thrive.  My Quest Training was where I shed all of the "shell" and history that was preventing forward movement and growth.  After Quest I blossomed and bloomed, my life is vibrant, beautiful and full of passion.  I am my contribution to the world.  I am grateful for all of the miracles in my life, because everything in my life is miraculous.

~Christine, Lift-Off 224~

~Steven, Lift-Off 223~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Quest, I was a rock buried under lots of dirt.  No light, surrounded by darkness and constant pressure from the dirt of life, leaving me to feel suffocated and alone.

After Quest, I know I am a precious stone with no earthly price.  Beautiful to look at and be around.  The pressure of the earth was necessary to polish and shape me into this beautiful light.  The experiences were there to cut me into perfection, taking away all of the things I used to hide.   Today, I AM PERFECT!

~Steven, Lift-Off 223~

~Lewis, Lift-Off 244~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before I started my Impact experience, I did not trust any program or anyone that was trying to sell me something or talk me into their point of view.  As time went on my distrust got worse.  It got to the point that I didn't trust my own family, making it impossible to hold a job. 

Now, after Impact Trainings, the connection and love that I have created with my family is more then I have ever dreamed.  It has been like living in a dream world where I have literally opened up my favorite story book, with my dreams or all the things that I've wanted, and dove magically into this book now experiencing the love, abundance, and peace that I have always wanted and hungered for, giving myself and all those around me a taste of living life greater then ever before.

~Lewis, Lift-Off 244~

~Lisa, Lift-Off 244~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before I began my journey at Impact, I was closed off, confused and didn't have any purpose in life.  My life was completely run in fear, and I didn't trust people.  Since I walked into Quest, my life has transformed.  I own my power and inspire others around me to do the same.  I live my life moment to moment in love and with purpose, knowing that all is in perfect order.  I love my life and crate abundance day to day.  I am a Powerful, Inspiring, Beautiful Spirit Being of Light!

And So It Is!!!

~Lisa, Lift-Off 244~

~Teresa, Lift-Off 187~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was a young branch questioning my importance, looking to others for approval and permission, feeling unsure and insecure. 

After Impact Trainings, I am a beautiful, breath-taking, full grown, perfect, natural, manicured willow tree giving beauty, shade and nurturing to all of Gods creations.

~Teresa, Lift-Off 187~

~Andrea, Lift-Off 220~ My Impact Trainings Experience

I came into my Impact Trainings as a solid brick wall.  I had felt that this wall had windows in it.  I opened the windows just a bit sometimes to let people in, but was always ready to close it up tight again at the first sign of someone coming close to me.  I chose into my Trainings because I could feel the closed wall but did not know how to take it down.  Through the Training, I opened up bit by bit.  Each step uncovering and unfolding the beautiful being of Light that I am.  I am now a Loving, Light filled crystal  - radiating all of my beauty and reflecting the amazing beauty of others.  I am strong, but gentle, loving and open to all who come into my space.  I AM THAT I AM.

~Andrea, Lift-Off 220~

~Kristie, Lift-Off 264~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was a caterpillar.  An ugly one with horns and spikes.  A poisonous one that if anyone touched me, they would feel sick or diseased.  Sometimes I would even poison people with my anger on purpose.  Other times I would frighten people away with my hard outer shell and horns.  During Impact, I started to create my cocoon.  As I entered Impact, I entered my cocoon and started to process and change.  With each training I took on, the horns fell off, the disease and poison was made pure.  The cocoon fell away and I have emerged as a beautiful butterfly.  No longer afraid of others, I show the beautiful wings God gave me of rich pinks, purples, blues, yellows, and greens.  With absolute love for myself, I now spread my wings and soar throughout this world.  Impact has assisted me to remember who I truly am and why I am truly here at this time.

~Kristie, Lift-Off 264~

~Hyrum, Lift-Off 247~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was like a young eagle too afraid to risk flight (life) for fear of the unknown.  By doing this, I chose to give up my power, freedom, and joy of being who I am.

Impact Trainings gave me the encouragement (with a slight nudge) to spread my wings and soar through life.  I feel empowered, free, joy, and at peace with my past, present, and future.  Now that I have learned to fly, I get the opportunity to teach the other eagles to fly with me.

~Hyrum, Lift-Off 247~

~Rachael, Lift-Off 267~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was in a dark, stone prison.  I was numb and groggy.  It was cold and lonely.  When I went through Impact, I realized that each boulder that made up the walls was put there by me and I had chosen to live there.  I also realized that if I could create that, I could create something else.  I blew up the fortress and walked out of the rubble into the warm sunshine, bright colors, and other people playing in nature.  Instead of only hearing muffled voices I couldn't connect to, I now see into others' eyes and faces and bond with them.  I am awake and alive!

~Rachael, Lift-Off 267~

~Pamela, Lift-Off 199~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Life before Impact was like wearing a veil over me - I could not see others clearly, it was easy for me to say "I" don't know and to ask others to make decisions because I thought they could see better than I.  Though I thought others could see me, they could not clearly see my genuineness as I hid behind the veil.  Fear of unknown, fear of trusting myself, fear of letting go, fear of "controlling" situations, fear of what others think of me - am I smart enough, will they like me - kept me partially paralyzed.  I enjoyed my life and yet there were shadows that kept me from being revealed and kept me from seeing myself and others because of my veil of fears.  I had many experiences to build my trust level to the point of entering a class - Impact - that I felt would assist me further to know myself. 

And the sun rising in the morning, little by little the dawn emerges on the horizon and across the sky, my soul stretched through the veil of my ego mind to it's dawning!  Once bursting out in love and joy, the veil was no longer desirable to wear.  To meet and "know" people (to trust my knowing), to know myself, and continue to know the depths and heights of myself is an adventure worth being involved in 100%.  I love life!  I love me!  I love God!  I am grateful for all lessons that come and then pass on.  I am most grateful for all who are intertwined in my beautiful labyrinth and tapestry of my life.  I am not alone.  I am supported.  I am a Joyfull, Inspiring, Compassionate, Honest Woman of Light!

~Pamela, Lift-Off 199~

~Barbara, Lift-Off 270~ My Impact Trainings Experience

As I lost touch with life, I became as a seashell, uninhabited with life, empty and useless.  An empty shell that had lost all value, never to be picked up on the beach and adored or loved, but to be washed out to the depths of the sea never to be seen again, never to be important enough to connect with the world again.

With each step of the Trainings, I find that I can be anything I choose to be.  No longer the empty shell that had no purpose, but is full of life and connecting with all the beautiful shells around me - seeing their beauty and character as they enlighten me and I enlighten others with my God given beacon of light shinning and inspiring those around me as I stand in peace and love.

~Barbara, Lift-Off 270~

~Tracee, Lift-Off 268~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I had lost my self-power and became a wall flower that was shellacked down like wallpaper to a wall.  The weight of what I had given up was heavy and thick, creating an inability to breathe or move through life.  A stagnant, thick energy within my body was sludgy, thick, blackened grey mass which created dis-at-ease in my body.  I had lost my voice, not only speaking-up wise, but singing wise.  It was as if a thick, block board had severed through my throat and blocked anything - any sound to be expressed.

After Impact, my life is bright and clear.  I can see 360 degrees around me as if I am encased in the most pure, bright, healing, loving bubble of light that shines all the colours of the rainbow.  Not only does the bubble of light and colour surround me but it is within me and through me and therefore around me.  My bubble of light and colour shines and radiates from my being, rippling out, engulfing, enveloping, and touching each and every living thing/being I encounter.  The light and colour I feel, see, smell and hear is beautiful, pure, and filled with love.

~Tracee, Lift-Off 268~

~Deon, Lift-Off 247~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Trainings my life was very shallow.  I was more dead than alive.  I had been sad for many years.  I was in survival mode and only did the things I had to do to survive.  I was very unfulfilled.  My journey through Impact began my journey through life - back to life.  I have learned and relearned many tools to assist me on my journey back to life and into a more fulfilling life.  The greatest tool I use is the music.  It assists me with all the other tools I use.  Before Impact Trainings, I was a broken, chipped cup that could not hold much water.  Now I am a beautiful, precious piece of fine china and my cup runneth over.

~Deon, Lift-Off 247~

~Shirley, Lift-Off 250~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Trainings was empty and lonely.  I was waiting for something to happen or somebody to rescue me.  My knight in shinning armor was only in my dreams and I still waited despondently.  After Quest and throughout my training, I learned that I am my own knight.  I get to shine my own armor.  I am the one that makes things happen in my own life.  Nobody else does it for me.  I also learned that I can, I am able to do this and so much more.  I create miracles.  I create love.  I create peace.  I am in control of me and who I am and what happens to me.

~Shirley, Lift-Off 250~

~Tony, Lift-Off 213~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, my life was like an orchard that had lots to give and what was given was fruit that was plain and bitter. 

After Impact, my orchard had new life with an abundance of fruit that was bright, beautiful and that was so sweet to eat, I couldn't get enough of it.  I wanted it all.

~Tony, Lift-Off 213~

~Keith, Lift-Off 195~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was a gentle, sometimes mean dog.  Now I am not really a dog at all.  I am gentle, tender, loving, have greater purpose for my life.  I am Light, Love, and Truth!

~Keith, Lift-Off 195~

~Debi, Lift-Off 216~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact, I was a worn, tarnished and broken piece of leather - brittle, fragile and thin.  Life had sucked the moisture - the luster and the shine - leaving me cracked and brittle.  As I stepped into taking on my life, I saw myself as an observer, looking at myself from a higher perspective, watching myself as an observer in a fog wandering.  Then I noticed I was not that tattered, brittle body.  But I was above myself, looking at that body.  I was an observer of full consciousness.  I was connected to all that was.  I was aware of everything in the physical temporal world, but I was above it, observing from a peaceful, calm, all knowing consciousness. 

~Debi, Lift-Off 216~

~Davis, Lift-Off 263~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Trainings, I was a reserved boy who never let anyone know my true feelings.  I didn't have a voice or anything valuable to share.  I would hide in the background and watch from a distance.  I would try hard not to be noticed.

Since I've been through Impact Trainings, I've knocked down many walls and so many beliefs that have held me in my smallness.  I know I have something valuable to share and am committed to world peace.  I am a committed stand for myself and I'm not afraid of who I am.  I now stand for the Light I am and feel to encourage every person to embrace themselves and be their Light to the world. 

~Davis, Lift-Off 263~

~Cathey, Lift-Off 92~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact my life was based on a facade.  On the outside everything looked great - beautiful family, beautiful home, great job, daring husband.  On the inside I was dying.  I felt powerless and stuck in an emotional, abusive marriage.  I had become a doormat, withdrawing from my children and other relationships and feeling that nothing I ever did was quite good enough.

After Impact I took back my power and started looking at the ways I created my circumstances by my choices.  I started being true to myself, honoring all creation by honoring myself first.  I started honoring the present for the amazing gift it is.  I decided it was easier to just love everyone and let go of drama in relationships.  I had learned that I didn't need to be "right" and that I could love and forgive myself and everyone else for being "less than perfect".

After Impact I decided to let go of toxic relationships, activities, and habits of thought that were less then honoring.  I decided to follow my inner wisdom to crate a peaceful, joyful, loving, abundant life.  I decided to be grateful for everything and to look for the gift in even the more challenging of circumstances.

Before Impact I had decided "life sucks, and then you die!"  I was an empty shell of a woman, numb of just going through the motions to maintain the facade.  After Impact I am living as a powerful, loving, creative woman with a deep and profound sense of gratitude and joy.

~Cathey, Lift-Off 92~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

~Maggie, Lift-Off 106~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Training, I was like a pine cone.  I had been knocked down, stepped on, ignored, hit around and developed a hard shell.  As I stepped through the doors of my Training, I had no clue what was on the other side.  I just knew I wanted the changes I saw and experienced from my husband's cousin who became my Angel.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have envisioned the miracles that I experienced in only four days.  I found my pine cone shell open and taking root on solid ground.  As my roots planted, I stretched and grew.  No longer was I crippled by all my past experiences and pain.  I was able to see the lessons without the pain.  All I saw was the good news and how it got me to the point of walking through those Impact Quest doors.  Fifteen years later, I look back in gratitude for the perfect people that have been in my life and for the lessons that brought me where I am.  Life continues to life and the difference for me is I stand on my roots when things get overwhelming.  I just choose to remember to breathe, to look for the good news/lessons to be learned and next thing I know, I am over the hill and enjoying the ride till the next peak.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the Angels that got me through those Impact doors!!!  My Heart to yours.

~Maggie, Lift-Off 106~

~Katie, Lift-Off 216~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Training, my journey began.  I was like a block spot in the sky.  I wasn't seen.  I was hiding in the dark night sky.  I was lost in a large amount of darkness.

After Quest, I began to shine slowly.  I began to be seen.  I was beginning to sparkle.  With time, I became a bright, brilliant, sparkling, glorious STAR in the sky.  I became my true, wonderful, shinny, BRIGHT light once again.  Doing the Impact Training changed the course of my life forever.

~Katie, Lift-Off 216~

~Staci, Lift-Off 255~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact Training was a bird trapped in her cage.  I would try to fly and fly free, as birds do.  After Quest, the cage opened and I flew free as I have never done before.  I keep flying and flying.  It is the best feeling!

~Staci, Lift-Off 255~

~Mona, Lift-Off 232~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact was me feeling like a bird in a cage where I felt my wings were clipped and not working.  I would watch other birds fly, but felt I was not worthy to fly.  I watched and observed life, but was not living life.  Impact reminded me of my beautiful wings, that not only worked, but are beautiful.  Impact reminded me I am a Powerful, Passionate, Inspiring, Worty Woman of Light, to go spread my wings and fly, to be the Light, and to soar.  I love my training and now I go the distance.  I am creating Joy, Love, Bliss, and true Heart to Heart connections.

~Mona, Lift-Off 232~

~Alan, Lift-Off 253~ My Impact Trainings Experience

I was mad at the world, hated my life, and didn't want to be around anyone.  I thought pain was part of life and to just endure it.  After Impact, I now know that life doesn't have to be hard and painful.  I can be happy and love life at the same time.

~Alan, Lift-Off 253~

~Christina, Lift-Off 260~ My Impact Trainings Experience

I used to feel like a horse who had a heavy load on a cart behind me that I was bound to continuously.  I was either held back by the weight of my load or running to keep ahead so I didn't get run over.

Now I feel like the horse running in an open meadow - coat glossy, mane flying in the wind as I enjoy the beauty of the world around me...and if I give someone a lift, it is my choice, and no burden at all.  Who knows, some day I may just discover that I have winds and fly!

~Christina, Lift-Off 260~

~Mike, Lift-Off 255~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Training, my life was like a ship on a storm-tossed sea, buffeted by waves, blown by the wind, rudder broken and sails shredded.  My emotions were dominated by fear, confusion, frustration, and dread. 

After Impact, my ship is anchored in a peaceful lagoon.  The sails are repaired, rudder fixed and stores fully stocked - fully prepared to take on life's adventures with joy, confidence and calm.

I AM excited about life again!!!

~Mike, Lift-Off 255~

~Don, Lift-Off 267~ My Impact Trainings Experience

About a million years ago before Impact, I was a man without too much joy in life.  I existed on good days.  On bad days, I was not pleasant to be around.  I had nothing to look forward to.  Life made no sense.  It was hard and i lived without happiness.  I went to Impact and the mirror was placed in front of my face.  I was not happy with what I saw but knew I could change it.  And change it I did.  Bit by bit I broke down the walls with God's assistance.  Peace flowed into my life for the first time in a long time.  Joy followed.  Now everyday is a fabulous day.  There are some challenges in each day, but now they are momentary.  I'm living life now, I dream dreams, I laugh, cry, and love.  It's all good.  I AM so blessed!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

~Don, Lift-Off 267~

~Dan, Lift-Off 232~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact Training, I was separated from Jane Ann wondering about survival, love, reputation, isolation, and absolutely no love for myself.  The best thing I owned was my ego and all of the walls that surrounded me.

Jane Ann exposed me to a program she thought potentially benefited me (us) - "Impact Training".  We attended a guest presentation, got my stuff out of the way, buried my skepticism and enrolled into Quest. They still talk about my first day in what an awakening - we made it and graduated.  Jane Ann and I talked our first full conversation in years about all of our stuff.  This was an amazing experience with communication.  Summit put us back together again with a great face to face experience.  Lift-Off gave us details and tools to enhance our relationship as well as our lives.  Life Mastery Training took us to places of thought and emotions we had never experienced before.

Now we truly love each other as well as ourselves.  We love all others around us like never before.  We feel the vibrational changes and discord in the world.  We are committed to change the discord, continue the raise in our vibrations and to teach my love.

~Dan, Lift-Off 232~

~Rosie, Lift-Off 180~ My Impact Trainings Experience

My life before Impact was like a sky full of dark clouds which followed me around everywhere I went.  I was always being dragged into drama, self-pity, and self defeating situations with family and friends. 

Since I have gone through the Impact Trainings, I feel brighter, more joyous and at peace with all of my life.  My sky is now full of legends of Angels and Ascended Masters guiding and inspiring me to be who I am created to be.  I love myself, my life and all of humankind.  I am a Beautiful, Loving, Joyous, Creative, Powerful woman of Light and very grateful to know this!

~Rosie, Lift-Off 180~

~Jason, Lift-Off 262~ My Impact Trainings Experience

Before Impact I felt like a small campfire struggling to light in a gale. Everytime I was able to light, I would blow out and stuggle to light again.

After my training, I caught on fire.  I enveloped my whole area and my fire continued to grow greater and brighter until I lit even the trees around me.  My fire spred into a raging arsenal and the gale that extinguished me before only fed my flame as I continued to grow, learn, and love.

~Jason, Lift-Off 262~